List of CFTP Preprints
List of CFTP preprints in 2010


Preprint: CFTP/10-019
Authors: Joao Pulido, C.R. Das
Title: NSI can improve LMA predictions: neutrino decay in solar matter?
ArXive: 1012.3842  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/10-018
Authors: Sergio Palomares-Ruiz and Jennifer M. Siegal-Gaskins
Title: Annihilation vs. Decay: Constraining Dark Matter Properties from a Gamma-Ray Detection in Dwarf Galaxies
ArXive: 1012.2335  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/10-016
Authors: Joao Pulido, C.R. Das
Title: Solar neutrinos with non-standard interactions

Preprint: CFTP/10-015
Authors: C.R. Das, L.V. Laperashvili and A. Tureanu
Title: Superstring-Inspired E_6 Unification, Shadow Theta-Particles and Cosmology
ArXive: 1012.0624  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/10-014
Authors: J. N. Esteves, J. C. Romao, M. Hirsch, A. Vicente, W. Porod and F. Staub
Title: Supersymmetric Left-Right Model: LHC phenomenology and lepton flavour violation

Preprint: CFTP/10-013
Authors: J. N. Esteves, J. C, Romao, M. Hirsch, F. Staub and W . Porod
Title: Supersymmetric type-III seesaw: LHC phenomenology, lepton flavour violating decays and dark matter

Preprint: CFTP/10-012
Authors: C.R. Das, L.V. Laperashvili, H.B. Nielsen, A. Tureanu
Title: Baryogenesis in Cosmological Model with Superstring-Inspired E_6 Unification
ArXive: 1010.2744  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/10-011
Authors: C.R. Das and Joao Pulido
Title: Improving LMA predictions with non-standard interactions: neutrino decay in solar matter?
ArXive: 1007.2167  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/10-010
Authors: A. Abada, A. J. Figueiredo, J. C. Romão and A. M. Teixeira
Title: Interplay of LFV and slepton mass splittings at the LHC as a probe of the SUSY Seesaw

Preprint: CFTP/10-009
Authors: Nicolas Bernal and Sergio Palomares-Ruiz
Title: Constraining Dark Matter Properties with Gamma-Rays from the Galactic Center with Fermi-LAT

Preprint: CFTP/10-008
Authors: J. C. Romão, J. N. Esteves, F. Joaquim, A. S. Joshipura, M. A. Tortola and J. W. F. Valle
Title: A4-based neutrino masses with decaying majoron as dark matter

Preprint: CFTP/10-007
Authors: Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas, David Emmanuel-Costa
Title: Simplest and consistent geometrical CP-Violation

Preprint: CFTP/10-006
Authors: Nicolás BERNAL

Preprint: CFTP/10-005
Authors: C.R. Das and Joao Pulido
Title: Improving LMA predictions with non standard interactions
ArXive: 1003.5904  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/10-004
Authors: Nicolás BERNAL, David LÓPEZ-VAL & Joan SOLÀ
Title: Quantum effects on Higgs-strahlung events at linear colliders within the general 2HDM

Preprint: CFTP/10-003
Authors: Sergio Palomares-Ruiz and Jennifer M. Siegal-Gaskins
Title: Annihilation vs. Decay: Constraining dark matter properties from a gamma-ray detection
ArXive: 1003.1142  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/10-002
Authors: G. C. Branco, D. Emmanuel-Costa, C. Simões
Title: Nearest-Neighbour Interaction from an Abelian Symmetry and Deviations from Hermiticity
ArXive: hep-ph  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/10-001
Authors: P.M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura, J.P. Silva
Title: Renormalization-group constraints on Yukawa alignment in multi-Higgs-doublet models


Last Updated October 20, 2024