List of CFTP Preprints
List of CFTP preprints in 2020


Preprint: CFTP/20-012
Authors: J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra, F. R. Joaquim, J. F. Seabra
Title: Mass Unspecific Supervised Tagging (MUST) for boosted jets
ArXive: 2008.12792  SPIRES Citations

Preprint: CFTP/20-011
Authors: D. M. Barreiros, F. R. Joaquim, R. Srivastava, J. W. F. Valle
Title: Minimal scoto-seesaw mechanism with spontaneous CP violation

Preprint: CFTP/20-010
Authors: H. B. Camara, R. G. Felipe, F. R. Joaquim
Title: Minimal inverse-seesaw mechanism with Abelian flavour symmetries

Preprint: CFTP/20-008
Authors: E. H. Aeikens, P. M. Ferreira, W. Grimus, D. Jurciukonis, L. Lavoura
Title: Radiative seesaw corrections and charged-lepton decays in a model with soft flavour violation

Preprint: CFTP/20-007
Authors: Francisco J. Botella, Fernando Cornet-Gomez, Miguel Nebot
Title: Electron and muon $g-2$ anomalies in general flavour conserving two Higgs doublets models

Preprint: CFTP/20-006
Authors: P. P. Novichkov, J. T. Penedo, S. T. Petcov
Title: Double Cover of Modular $S_4$ for Flavour Model Building

Preprint: CFTP/20-005
Authors: João M. Alves, Francisco J. Botella, Gustavo C. Branco, Miguel Nebot
Title: Extending Trinity to the Scalar Sector through Discrete Flavoured Symmetries

Preprint: CFTP/20-004
Authors: D. M. Barreiros, F. R. Joaquim, T. T. Yanagida
Title: Perfect Occam's razor for neutrino masses and leptogenesis

Preprint: CFTP/20-003
Authors: Francisco Faro, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: Nondecoupling in Multi-Higgs doublet models

Preprint: CFTP/20-002
Authors: J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra, F. R. Joaquim
Title: Multiphoton signals of a (96 GeV?) stealth boson

Preprint: CFTP/20-001
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Nikolai Korchagin, Alexandr Pimikov, Pengming Zhang
Title: Twisted particle collisions: a new tool for spin physics
ArXive: 2002.01703  SPIRES Citations


Last Updated October 20, 2024