List of CFTP Preprints
List of CFTP preprints in 2022


Preprint: CFTP/22-006
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis, Luis Lavoura
Title: The centers of discrete groups as stabilizers of Dark Matter

Preprint: CFTP/22-005
Authors: J. T. Penedo, Yakefu Reyimuaji, Xinyi Zhang
Title: Axionic Dirac seesaw and electroweak vacuum stability

Preprint: CFTP/22-004
Authors: Rafael Boto, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: BFB conditions on a class of symmetry constrained 3HDM

Preprint: CFTP/22-003
Authors: J. T. Penedo, Joao Pulido
Title: Baseline and other effects for a sterile neutrino at DUNE

Preprint: CFTP/22-002
Authors: D.M. Barreiros, H.B. Camara, F.R. Joaquim
Title: Flavour and dark matter in a scoto/type-II seesaw model

Preprint: CFTP/22-001
Authors: Duarte Fontes and Jorge C. Romao
Title: The one-loop impact of a dependent mass: the role of m_3 in the C2HDM


Last Updated March 29, 2025