Preprint: CFTP/24-003
Authors: F. Albergaria, J. F. Bastos, B. Belfatto, G. C. Branco, J. T. Penedo, A. RodrÃguez-Sánchez, J. I. Silva-Marcos
Title: Vector-like quark doublets, weak-basis invariants and CP violation
Preprint: CFTP/24-002
Authors: Jorge Crispim Romao, Miguel Crispim Romao
Title: Combining Evolutionary Strategies and Novelty Detection to go
Beyond the Alignment Limit of the Z3 3HDM
Preprint: CFTP/24-001
Authors: Thomas Biekotter, Duarte Fontes, Margarete Muhlleitner,Jorge C. Romao,Rui Santos and Joao P. Silva
Title: Impact of new experimental data on the C2HDM
Preprint: CFTP/23-003
Authors: Rafael Boto, Dipankar Das, Luis Lourenco, Jorge C. Romao, Joao P. Silva
Title: Fingerprinting the type-Z three-Higgs-doublet models
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/23-002
Authors: I. de Medeiros Varzielas, M. Levy, J. T. Penedo, S. T. Petcov
Title: Quarks at the modular $S_4$ cusp
Preprint: CFTP/23-001
Authors: Iris Bree, Sergio Carrolo, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: A viable $A_4$ 3HDM theory of quark mass matrices
Preprint: CFTP/22-006
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis, Luis Lavoura
Title: The centers of discrete groups as stabilizers of Dark Matter
Preprint: CFTP/22-005
Authors: J. T. Penedo, Yakefu Reyimuaji, Xinyi Zhang
Title: Axionic Dirac seesaw and electroweak vacuum stability
Preprint: CFTP/22-004
Authors: Rafael Boto, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: BFB conditions on a class of symmetry constrained 3HDM
Preprint: CFTP/22-003
Authors: J. T. Penedo, Joao Pulido
Title: Baseline and other effects for a sterile neutrino at DUNE
Preprint: CFTP/22-002
Authors: D.M. Barreiros, H.B. Camara, F.R. Joaquim
Title: Flavour and dark matter in a scoto/type-II seesaw model
Preprint: CFTP/22-001
Authors: Duarte Fontes and Jorge C. Romao
Title: The one-loop impact of a dependent mass: the role of m_3
in the C2HDM
Preprint: CFTP/21-015
Authors: P. P. Novichkov, J. T. Penedo, S. T. Petcov
Title: Modular Flavour Symmetries and Modulus Stabilisation
Preprint: CFTP/21-013
Authors: Francisco Albergaria, LuÃs Lavoura
Title: Prescription for finite oblique parameters S and U in extensions of the SM with mW different from mZ cos{thetaW}
Preprint: CFTP/21-012
Authors: P.M. Ferreira, B.L. Gonçalves, and F.R. Joaquim
Title: The hidden side of scalar-triplet models with spontaneous CP violation
Preprint: CFTP/21-011
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis, Luis Lavoura
Title: Two-body lepton-flavour-violating decays in a 2HDM with soft family-lepton-number breaking
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/21-010
Authors: Rafael Boto, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: Current bounds on the Type-Z $Z_3$ three Higgs doublet model
Preprint: CFTP/21-009
Authors: Ricardo R. Florentino, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: Off diagonal charged scalar couplings with the Z boson:
the Zee model as an example
Preprint: CFTP/21-008
Authors: Joao M. Alves, Francisco J. Botella, Gustavo C. Branco, Fernando Cornet-Gomez, Miguel Nebot
Title: The framework for a common origin of $\delta_{\rm CKM}$ and $\delta_{\rm PMNS}$
Preprint: CFTP/21-007
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis, LuÃs Lavoura
Title: Fitting the Z b b-bar vertex in the two-Higgs-doublet model and in the three-Higgs-doublet model
Preprint: CFTP/21-006
Authors: Duarte Fontes, Jorge C. Romao
Title: Renormalization of the C2HDM with FeynMaster 2
Preprint: CFTP/21-005
Authors: Duarte Fontes, Maximilian Loschner, Jorge C. Romao, Joao P. Silva
Title: Leaks of CP violation in the real two-Higgs doublet model
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/21-004
Authors: Sergio Carrolo, Jorge C. Romao, Joao P. Silva and Francisco Vazao
Title: Symmetry and decoupling in multi Higgs models
Preprint: CFTP/21-003
Authors: P. P. Novichkov, J. T. Penedo, S. T. Petcov
Title: Fermion Mass Hierarchies, Large Lepton Mixing and Residual Modular Symmetries
Preprint: CFTP/21-002
Sanjoy Mandal, Jorge C. Romao, Rahul Srivastava and Jose W. F. Valle
Title: Impact of invisible Higgs decays on the vacuum stability in lowscale seesaw
Preprint: CFTP/21-001
Authors: Howard E. Haber, and Joao P. Silva
Title: An exceptional region of the 2HDM parameter space
Preprint: CFTP/20-012
Authors: J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra, F. R. Joaquim, J. F. Seabra
Title: Mass Unspecific Supervised Tagging (MUST) for boosted jets
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/20-011
Authors: D. M. Barreiros, F. R. Joaquim, R. Srivastava, J. W. F. Valle
Title: Minimal scoto-seesaw mechanism with spontaneous CP violation
Preprint: CFTP/20-010
Authors: H. B. Camara, R. G. Felipe, F. R. Joaquim
Title: Minimal inverse-seesaw mechanism with Abelian flavour symmetries
Preprint: CFTP/20-008
Authors: E. H. Aeikens, P. M. Ferreira, W. Grimus, D. Jurciukonis, L. Lavoura
Title: Radiative seesaw corrections and charged-lepton decays in a model with soft flavour violation
Preprint: CFTP/20-007
Authors: Francisco J. Botella, Fernando Cornet-Gomez, Miguel Nebot
Title: Electron and muon $g-2$ anomalies in general flavour conserving two Higgs doublets models
Preprint: CFTP/20-006
Authors: P. P. Novichkov, J. T. Penedo, S. T. Petcov
Title: Double Cover of Modular $S_4$ for Flavour Model Building
Preprint: CFTP/20-005
Authors: JoaÌo M. Alves, Francisco J. Botella, Gustavo C. Branco, Miguel Nebot
Title: Extending Trinity to the Scalar Sector through Discrete
Flavoured Symmetries
Preprint: CFTP/20-004
Authors: D. M. Barreiros, F. R. Joaquim, T. T. Yanagida
Title: Perfect Occam's razor for neutrino masses and leptogenesis
Preprint: CFTP/20-003
Authors: Francisco Faro, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: Nondecoupling in Multi-Higgs doublet models
Preprint: CFTP/20-002
Authors: J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra, F. R. Joaquim
Title: Multiphoton signals of a (96 GeV?) stealth boson
Preprint: CFTP/20-001
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Nikolai Korchagin, Alexandr Pimikov, Pengming Zhang
Title: Twisted particle collisions: a new tool for spin physics
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-032
Authors: Rafael Boto, Tiago V. Fernandes, Howard E. Haber, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: Basis-independent treatment of the C2HDM
Preprint: CFTP/19-031
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Nikolai Korchagin, Alexandr Pimikov, Pengming Zhang
Title: Kinematic surprises in twisted particle collisions
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-030
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Nikolai Korchagin, Alexandr Pimikov, Pengming Zhang
Title: Doing spin physics with unpolarized particles
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-029
Authors: Miguel Nebot
Title: Non-Decoupling in Two Higgs Doublets Models, Spontaneous CP Violation and $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry
Preprint: CFTP/19-028
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Celso C. Nishi
Title: Discriminating between CP and family transformations in the bilinear space of NHDM
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-027
Authors: Duarte Fontes, Luis Lavoura,Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: One-loop corrections to the ZbB vertex in models with
scalar doublets and singlets
Preprint: CFTP/19-026
Authors: Duarte Fontes, Jorge C. Romao
Title: FeynMaster: a plethora of Feynman tools
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-025
Authors: S. S. Correia, R. G. Felipe, F. R. Joaquim
Title: Dirac neutrinos in the 2HDM with restrictive Abelian symmetries
Preprint: CFTP/19-024
Authors: Duarte Fontes, Jorge C. Romao and Jose W. F. Valle
Title: Electroweak Breaking and Higgs Boson Profile in the Simplest Linear Seesaw Model
Preprint: CFTP/19-023
Authors: Juan Herrero-Garcia, Miguel Nebot, Filip Rajec, Martin White, Anthony G. Williams
Title: Higgs Quark Flavor Violation: Simplified Models and Status of General Two-Higgs-Doublet Model
Preprint: CFTP/19-022
Authors: Francisco S. Faro, Igor P. Ivanov
Title: Boundedness from below in the U(1)×U(1) Three-Higgs-Doublet model
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-021
Authors: David d'Enterria, Stefan Kluth (eds.), J.Pires, et al.
Title: alpha_strong(2019): Precision measurements of the QCD coupling
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-020
Authors: D. Britzger, J. Currie, A. Gehrmann-De Ridder, T. Gehrmann, E.W.N. Glover, C. Gwenlan, A. Huss, T. Morgan, J. Niehues, Joao Pires, K. Rabbertz, M.R. Sutton
Title: Calculations for deep inelastic scattering using fast interpolation grid techniques at NNLO in QCD and the extraction of alpha_s from HERA data
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-019
Authors: P. P. Novichkov, J. T. Penedo, S. T. Petcov, A. V. Titov
Title: Generalised CP Symmetry in Modular-Invariant Models of Flavour
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-018
Authors: x
Title: Number not given
Preprint: CFTP/19-017
Authors: J.~A.~Aguilar--Saavedra, F.~R. Joaquim
Title: The minimal stealth boson: models and benchmark
Preprint: CFTP/19-016
Authors: Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder, Thomas Gehrmann, E.W.N. Glover, Alexander Huss, Joao Pires
Title: The triple differential di-jet cross section at the LHC
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-015
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Valery G. Serbo, Pengming Zhang
Title: Fate of the Landau-Yang theorem for twisted photons
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-014
Authors: Elmar P. Biernat, Franz Gross, M. T. Pe\~na, Alfred Stadler, Sofia Leit\~ao
Title: Quark mass function from a OGE-type interaction in Minkowski space
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-013
Authors: Pedro M. Ferreira, LuÃs Lavoura
Title: No strong CP violation up to the one-loop level in a two-Higgs-doublet model
Preprint: CFTP/19-012
Authors: Ivo De Medeiros Varzielas (Lisbon, CFTP), Stephen F. King (Southampton U.)
Title: Origin of Yukawa couplings for Higgs and leptoquarks
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-011
Authors: Marco Ciuchini (INFN, Rome3), António M. Coutinho (INFN, Rome3 & Lisbon, CFTP), Marco Fedele (ICC, Barcelona U.), Enrico Franco (INFN, Rome), Ayan Paul (DESY & Humboldt U., Berlin), Luca Silvestrini (INFN, Rome & CERN), Mauro Valli (UC, Irvine)
Title: New Physics in 𝑏→𝑠ℓ+ℓ− confronts new data on Lepton Universality
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-010
Authors: Ivo De Medeiros Varzielas, Miguel Levy (Lisbon, CFTP), Ye-Ling Zhou (Southampton U.)
Title: Effective alignments and the landscape of S4 flavour models
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-009
Authors: Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Esther Weil, Richard Williams
Title: Single pseudoscalar meson pole and pion box contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-008
Authors: Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Esther Weil, Richard Williams
Title: Single pseudoscalar meson pole and pion box contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-007
Authors: x
Title: Number not given
Preprint: CFTP/19-006
Authors: Johannes Bellm, Andy Buckley, Xuan Chen, Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder, Thomas Gehrmann, Nigel Glover, Alexander Huss, Joao Pires, Stefan Hoche, Joey Huston, Silvan Kuttimalai, Simon Platzer, Emanuele Re
Title: Jet cross sections at the LHC and the quest for higher precision
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-005
Authors: Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas, Igor P. Ivanov
Title: Recognizing symmetries in 3HDM in basis-independent way
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-004
Authors: Francisco J. Botella
Title: CPT Violation in $B_s^0$ -- $\bar B_s^0$ mixing and the measurement of CP Violation in $B_s\to K^+ K^-$
Preprint: CFTP/19-003
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis, Luis Lavoura
Title: More five-parameter models for lepton mixing
Preprint: CFTP/19-002
Authors: P. Azzi, S. Farry, P. Nason, A. Tricoli, D. Zeppenfeld (editors), J.Pires, et al.
Title: Standard Model Physics at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/19-001
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Celso C. Nishi, Andreas Trautner
Title: Beyond basis invariants
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-018
Authors: Z. Citron, A. Dainese, J.F. Grosse-Oetringhaus, J.M. Jowett, Y.-J. Lee, U.A. Wiedemann, M. Winn (editors), J.Pires, el al.
Future physics opportunities for high-density QCD at the LHC with heavy-ion and proton beams
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-017
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Maxim Laletin
Title: Dark matter from CP symmetry of order 4: evolution in the asymmetric regime
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-016
Authors: Ju-Hyun Jung, Wolfgang Schweiger, Elmar P. Biernat
Title: Constituent-quark model with pionic contributions: electromagnetic N→Δ transition
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-015
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Celso C. Nishi, Joao P. Silva, Andreas Trautner
Title: Basis-invariant conditions for CP symmetry of order 4
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-014
Authors: Elmar P. Biernat, Franz Gross, M. T Pe\~na, Alfred Stadler, Sofia Leit\~ao
Title: Quark mass function from a one-gluon-exchange-type interaction in Minkowski space
Preprint: CFTP/18-013
Authors: Joao Pires
Title: Scale setting in inclusive jet production at hadron colliders
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-012
Authors: Miguel Nebot, Francisco J. Botella, Gustavo C. Branco
Title: Vacuum Induced CP Violation Generating a Complex CKM Matrix with Controlled Scalar FCNC
Preprint: CFTP/18-011
Authors: James Currie, Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder, Thomas Gehrmann, Nigel Glover, Alexander Huss, Joao Pires
Title: Jet cross sections at the LHC with NNLOJET
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-010
Authors: James Currie, Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder, Thomas Gehrmann, E.W.N. Glover, Alexander Huss, Joao Pires
Title: Infrared sensitivity of single jet inclusive production at hadron colliders
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-009
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis, Luis Lavoura
Title: The three- and four-Higgs couplings in the general two-Higgs-doublet model
Preprint: CFTP/18-008
Authors: D. M. Barreiros, R. G. Felipe, F. R. Joaquim
Title: The minimal type-I seesaw model with maximally-restricted texture zeros
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-007
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Maxim Laletin
Title: Multi-Higgs models with CP-symmetries of increasingly high order
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-006
Authors: Joao M. Alves, Francisco J. Botella, Gustavo C. Branco, Fernando Cornet-Gomez, Miguel Nebot, Joao P. Silva
Title: Symmetry Constrained Two Higgs Doublet Models
Preprint: CFTP/18-005
Authors: J. Bendavid, F. Caola, V. Ciulli, R. Harlander, G. Heinrich, J. Huston, S. Kallweit, S. Prestel, E. Re, K. Tackmann, J. Thaler, K. Theofilatos (conveners), J.Pires, et al.
Les Houches 2017: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model Working Group Report
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-004
Authors: Francisco J. Botella, Fernando Cornet-Gomez, Miguel Nebot
Title: Flavour Conservation in Two Higgs Doublet Models
Preprint: CFTP/18-003
Authors: D. M. Barreiros, R. G. Felipe, F. R. Joaquim
Title: The minimal type-I seesaw model with maximally-restricted texture zeros
Preprint: CFTP/18-002
Authors: E. P. Biernat, F. Gross, M. T. Pe\~na, A. Stadler, S. Leit\~ao
Title: Quark mass functions and pion structure in the Covariant Spectator Theory
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/18-001
Authors: X. Chen, J. Cruz-Martinez, J.R. Currie, R. Gauld, A. Gehrmann-De Ridder, T. Gehrmann, E.W.N. Glover, A. Huss, T.A. Morgan, J. Niehues, Joao Pires, D.M. Walker
Title: Jet cross sections and transverse momentum distributions with NNLOJET
Preprint: CFTP/17-010
Authors: Francisco J. Botella, Gustavo C. Branco, Miguel Nebot
Title: Singlet Heavy Fermions as the Origin of B Anomalies in Flavour Changing Neutral Couplings
Preprint: CFTP/17-009
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis, Luis Lavoura
Title: Lepton mixing and the charged-lepton mass ratios
Preprint: CFTP/17-008
Authors: Duarte Fontes, Margarete Muhlleitner, Jorge C. Romao, Rui Santos, Joao P. Silva and Jonas Wittbrodt
Title: The C2HDM revisited
Preprint: CFTP/17-007
Authors: Hermes Belusca-Maito, Adam Falkowski, Duarte Fontes, Jorge. C. Romao, Joao P. Silva
Title: CP violation in 2HDM and EFT: the ZZZ vertex
Preprint: CFTP/17-006
Authors: Walter Grimus, Luis Lavoura
Title: Cobimaximal lepton mixing from soft symmetry breaking
Preprint: CFTP/17-005
Authors: Miguel P. Bento, Howard E. Haber, J. C. Romao and Joao P. Silva
Title: Sum rules and unitarity bounds in multi-Higgs doublet
Preprint: CFTP/17-004
Authors: Joao M. Alves, Francisco J. Botella, Gustavo C. Branco, Fernando Cornet-Gomez, Miguel Nebot
Title: Controlled Flavour Changing Neutral Couplings in Two Higgs Doublet Models
Preprint: CFTP/17-003
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov
Title: CP-symmetry of order 4 and its consequences
Preprint: CFTP/17-002
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov
Title: Building and testing models with extended Higgs sectors
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/17-001
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis and Luis Lavoura
Title: GAP listing of the finite subgroups of U(3)of order smaller than 2000
Preprint: CFTP/16-019
Authors: J. Bernabeu, F.J. Botella, N.E. Mavromatos, M. Nebot
Title: The signal of ill-defined CPT weakening entanglement in the B_d system
Preprint: CFTP/16-018
Authors: Alexander Belyaev, Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Igor P. Ivanov, Felipe Rojas, Marc Thomas
Title: Anatomy of the Inert Two Higgs Doublet Model in the light of the LHC and non-LHC Dark Matter Searches
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/16-017
Authors: Alfredo Aranda, Igor P. Ivanov, Enrique Jiménez
Title: When the C in CP does not matter: anatomy of CP-half-odd scalars and their Yukawa interactions
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/16-016
Authors: I. P. Ivanov, D. Seipt, A. Surzhykov, S. Fritzsche
Title: Elastic scattering of vortex electrons provides direct access to the Coulomb phase
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/16-015
Authors: I. P. Ivanov, D. Seipt, A. Surzhykov, S. Fritzsche
Title: Double-slit experiment in momentum space
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/16-014
Authors: I. P. Ivanov, V. G. Serbo, V. A. Zaytsev
Title: Quantum calculation of the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation by twisted electrons
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/16-013
Authors: Hermes Belusca-Maito, Adam Falkowski, Duarte Fontes,
Jorge C. Romao, and Joao P. Silva
Title: Higgs EFT for Two-Higgs Doublet Model and beyond
Preprint: CFTP/16-012
Authors: David Emmanuel-Costa and Ricardo Gonzalez Felipe
Title: More about unphysical zeroes in quark mass matrices
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/16-011
Authors: Tanmoy Modak, Jorge C. Romao, Soumya Sadhukhan, Joao P. Silva and Rahul Srivastava
Title: Constraining wrong-sign hbb couplings with h->Upsilon Gamma
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/16-010
Authors: Darius Jurciukonis, Luis Lavoura
Title: Group-theoretical search for rows or columns of the lepton mixing matrix
Preprint: CFTP/16-009
Authors: D. Emmanuel-Costa, C. Simoes, Joao Sousa and M. Tortola
Title: Nearest-Neighbour-Interactions from a discrete anomaly-free adjoint-SU(5) model
Preprint: CFTP/16-008
Authors: R. Gonzalez Felipe, H. Serodio
Title: Two-Higgs-doublet models with maximally restrictive leptonic texture zeros
Preprint: CFTP/16-007
Authors: Laura Lopez-Honorez, Olga Mena, Angeles Moline, Sergio Palomares-Ruiz, Aaron C. Vincent
Title: The 21~cm signal and the interplay between dark matter annihilations and astrophysical processes
Preprint: CFTP/16-006
Authors: Angeles Moline, Jascha A. Schewtschenko, Sergio Palomares-Ruiz, Celine Boehm, Carlton M. Baugh
Title: Isotropic extragalactic flux from dark matter annihilations: lessons from interacting dark matter scenarios
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/16-005
Authors: Angeles Moline, Miguel A. Sanchez-Conde, Sergio Palomares-Ruiz, Francisco Prada
Title: Characterization of subhalo structural properties and implications for dark matter annihilation signals
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/16-004
Authors: Pedro Miguel Ferreira, Walter Grimus, Darius Jurciukonis, LuÃs Lavoura
Title: Scotogenic model for co-bimaximal mixing
Preprint: CFTP/16-003
Authors: Luis M. Cebola, David Emmanuel-Costa, Ricardo Gonzalez Felipe
Title: Neutrino observables from predictive flavour patterns
Preprint: CFTP/16-002
Authors: R. Gonzalez Felipe, D. Manreza Paret, A. Perez Martinez
Title: Constraints on the braneworld from compact stars
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/16-001
Authors: Igor P. Ivanov, Joao P. Silva
Title: A CP-conserving multi-Higgs model without real basis
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/15-013
Authors: Cesar Bonilla, Jorge C. Romao,2, and Jose W. F. Valle
Title: Electroweak breaking and neutrino mass:
âinvisibleâ Higgs decays at the LHC
(Type II seesaw)
Preprint: CFTP/15-012
Authors: G. C. Branco, I. P. Ivanov
Title: Group-theoretic restrictions on generation of CP-violation in multi-Higgs-doublet models
Preprint: CFTP/15-011
Authors: I.P. Ivanov, L. Lavoura
Title: SO(10) models with flavour symmetries: Classification and example
Preprint: CFTP/15-010
Authors: P. M. Ferreira, W. Grimus, D. Jurciukonis, L. Lavoura
Title: Flavour symmetries in a renormalizable SO(10) model
Preprint: CFTP/15-009
Authors: Elmar P. Biernat, Franz Gross, M. T. Pena, Alfred Stadler
Title: Charge-conjugation symmetric complete impulse approximation for the pion electromagnetic form factor in the Covariant Spectator Theory
Preprint: CFTP/15-008
Authors: Nuno Cardoso, David Emmanuel-Costa, Nuno Goncalves and C.Simoes
Title: SOSpin, a C++ library for Yukawa decomposition in SO(2N) models
Preprint: CFTP/15-007
Authors: I. P. Ivanov and Joao P. Silva
Title: Tree-level metastability bounds for the most general two Higgs doublet model
Preprint: CFTP/15-006
Authors: Duarte Fontes, Jorge C. Romao, Rui Santos and Joao P. Silva
Title: Undoubtable signs of CP-violation in Higgs decays at the LHC run 2
Preprint: CFTP/15-005
Authors: David Emmanuel-Costa, Nuno Rosa Agostinho, J.I. Silva-Marcos, Daniel Wegman
Title: Leptonic CP Violation from a New Perspective
Preprint: CFTP/15-004
Authors: Luis M. Cebola, David Emmanuel-Costa and Ricardo Gonzalez Felipe
Title: Confronting predictive texture zeros in lepton mass matrices with current
Preprint: CFTP/15-003
Authors: Duarte Fontes, Jorge C. Romao, Rui Santos and Joao P. Silva
Title: Large pseudoscalar Yukawa couplings in the complex 2HDM
Preprint: CFTP/15-002
Authors: Cesar Bonilla, Jose W. F. Valle and Jorge C. Romao
Title: Neutrino mass and invisible Higgs decays at the LHC
Preprint: CFTP/15-001
Authors: L. Lavoura
Title: New texture-zero models for lepton mixing
Preprint: CFTP/14-019
Authors: Angeles Moline, Alejandro Ibarra and Sergio Palomares-Ruiz
Title: Future sensitivity of neutrino telescopes to dark matter annihilations from the cosmic diffuse neutrino signal
Preprint: CFTP/14-018
Authors: P. M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura
Title: New textures for the lepton mass matrices
Preprint: CFTP/14-017
Authors: J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra, F. R. Joaquim
Title: A closer look at the possible CMS signal of a new gauge boson
Preprint: CFTP/14-016
Authors: Sofia Leit\~ao, Alfred Stadler, M. T. Pe\~na, Elmar P. Biernat
Title: Linear confinement in momentum space: singularity-free bound-state equations
Preprint: CFTP/14-015
Authors: D. Fontes, J. Romao and J. P. Silva
Title: $h to Z gamma$ in the complex two Higgs doublet model
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/14-014
Authors: Elmar P. Biernat, M. T. Pena, J. E. Ribeiro
Alfred Stadler, Franz Gross
Title: Chiral symmetry and pi - pi scattering in the Covariant Spectator Theory
Preprint: CFTP/14-013
Authors: G. Branco, M. Rebelo, J. Silva-Marcos and D. Wegman
Title: Quasidegeneracy of Majorana Neutrinos and the Origin of Large Leptonic Mixing
Preprint: CFTP/14-012
Authors: Luis M. Cebola, David Emmanuel-Costa, Ricardo Gonzalez Felipe, Catarina Simoes
Title: Gauge coupling unification with minimal chiral fermion content
Preprint: CFTP/14-011
Authors: D. Fontes, J. C. Romao, J. P. Silva
Title: A reappraisal of the wrong sign hbb coupling and the study of h -> Z gamma
Preprint: CFTP/14-010
Authors: R. Gonzalez Felipe, H. Serodio
Title: Abelian realization of phenomenological two-zero neutrino textures
Preprint: CFTP/14-009
Authors: Antonio J. R. Figueiredo
Title: Neutrino masses from SUSY breaking in radiative seesaw models
Preprint: CFTP/14-008
Authors: Elmar P. Biernat, Wolfgang Schweiger
Title: Electromagnetic rho-meson form factors in point-form relativistic quantum mechanics
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/14-007
Authors: F.R. Joaquim, J.T. Penedo
Title: Radiative charged-lepton mass generation in multi-Higgs doublet models
Preprint: CFTP/14-006
Authors: Juan Herrero-Garcia, Miguel Nebot, Nuria Rius, Arcadi Santamaria
Title: The Zee-Babu Model revisited in the light of new data
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/14-005
Authors: F.J. Botella, G.C. Branco, M. Nebot, A. Sanchez
Title: Mixing asymmetries in B meson systems, the D0 like-sign dimuon asymmetry and generic New Physics
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/14-004
Authors: F.J. Botella, G.C. Branco, Adrian Carmona, M. Nebot, Leonardo Pedro, M.N. Rebelo
Title: Physical Constraints on a Class of Two-Higgs Doublet Models with FCNC at tree level
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/14-003
Authors: R. Gonzalez Felipe, I. P. Ivanov, C. C. Nishi, Hugo Serodio, Joao P. Silva
Title: A No-Go Theorem in Multi-Higgs Flavour Models
Preprint: CFTP/14-002
Authors: L. Lavoura, P. O. Ludl
Title: Residual Z2 x Z2 symmetries and lepton mixing
Preprint: CFTP/14-001
Authors: A. M. Teixeira, A. Abada, A. J. R. Figueiredo, J. C. Romao
Title: Lepton flavour violation at high energies: the LHC and a Linear Collider
Preprint: CFTP/13-028
Authors: Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas & Luis Lavoura
Title: Golden ratio lepton mixing and nonzero reactor angle with A5
Preprint: CFTP/13-026
Authors: E. Biernat, Franz Gross, T. Pena, Alfred Stadler
Title: Confinement, quark mass functions, and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking
Preprint: CFTP/13-025
Authors: Carolina Arbelaez, Jorge C. Romao, Martin Hirsch and Michal Malinsky
Title: Low scale left-right symmetric models and gauge coupling unification
Preprint: CFTP/13-024
Authors: E. Biernat, F. Gross, T. Pena, A. Stadler
Title: Pion electromagnetic form factor within the Covariant Spectator Theory
Preprint: CFTP/13-023
Authors: Joao Pulido, C.R.Das
Title: Sterile neutrinos in the 3+s scenario and solar data
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/13-022
Authors: A. J. R. Figueiredo, A. M. Teixeira
Title: Slepton mass splittings and cLFV in the SUSY seesaw in the light of recent experimental results
Preprint: CFTP/13-021
Authors: Luis Cebola, David Emmanuel-Costa, Ricardo Gonzalez Felipe
Title: Anomaly-free U(1) gauge symmetries in neutrino seesaw flavor models
Preprint: CFTP/13-020
Authors: Walter Grimus, LuiÂs Lavoura
Title: Double seesaw mechanism and lepton mixing
Preprint: CFTP/13-019
Authors: Pritibhajan Byakti, David Emmanuel-Costa, Arindam Mazumdar, Palash B. Pal
Title: Number of fermion generations from a novel Grand Unified model
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/13-018
Authors: Renato M. Fonseca, Michal Malinsky and Florian Staub
Title: Note on the RGE evaluation in a general quantum field theory in the presence of kinetic mixing
Preprint: CFTP/13-017
Authors: Sacha Davidson, Ricardo Gonzalez Felipe, H. Serodio, Joao P. Silva
Title: Baryogenesis through split Higgsogenesis
Preprint: CFTP/13-016
Authors: LuiÂs Lavoura, Werner Rodejohann, Atsushi Watanabe
Title: Reproducing lepton mixing in a texture zero model
Preprint: CFTP/13-015
Authors: Nicolas Bernal, Stefano Colucci, François-Xavier Josse-Michaux, Juan Racker, Lorenzo Ubaldi
Title: On the conditions for baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation.
Preprint: CFTP/13-014
Authors: Antonio Figueiredo
Title: The high-scale SUSY seesaw: LHC vs low energy
Preprint: CFTP/13-013
Authors: P.M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura, P.O. Ludl
Title: A new A_4 model for lepton mixing
Preprint: CFTP/13-012
Authors: S. Morisi, D. V. Forero, J. C. Romao, and J. W. F. Valle
Title: Neutrino mixing with revamped A4 flavour symmetry
Preprint: CFTP/13-011
Authors: R. Gonzalez Felipe, H. Serodio, Joao P. Silva
Title: Neutrino masses and mixing in A4 models with three Higgs doublets
Preprint: CFTP/13-010
Authors: C.R. Das, L.V. Laperashvili and A. Tureanu
Title: Graviweak Unification, Invisible Universe and Dark Energy
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/13-009
Authors: P.M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura, P.O. Ludl
Title: Four models for lepton mixing
Preprint: CFTP/13-008
Authors: D. Emmanuel-Costa, C. Simoes and M. Tortola
Title: The minimal adjoint-SU(5) X Z_4 GUT model
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/13-007
Authors: Laura Lopez-Honorez, Olga Mena, Sergio Palomares-Ruiz and Aaron C. Vincent
Title: Constraints on dark matter annihilation from recent CMB observations
Preprint: CFTP/13-006
Authors: C.R. Das, Joao Pulido
Title: Long baseline neutrino experiments, mass hierarchy and delta(CP)
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/13-005
Authors: Antonio J.R. Figueiredo, A. Abada, J.C. Romao and A.M. Teixeira
Title: Potential of a Linear Collider for Lepton Flavour Violation studies in the SUSY seesaw
Preprint: CFTP/13-004
Authors: I. P. Ivanov, L. Lavoura
Title: Geometrical CP violation in the N-Higgs-doublet model
Preprint: CFTP/13-003
Authors: R. Gonzalez Felipe, H. Serodio, Joao P. Silva
Title: Models with three Higgs doublets in the triplet representations of A4 or S4
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/13-002
Authors: Carolina Arbelaez, Renato M. Fonseca, Jorge C. Romao and Martin Hirsch
Title: Supersymmetric $SO(10)$ GUTs with sliding scales
Preprint: CFTP/13-001
Authors: R. Gonzalez Felipe, F. R. Joaquim, H. Serodio
Title: Flavoured CP asymmetries for type II leptogenesis
Preprint: CFTP/12-020
Authors: C. D. Froggatt, C. R. Das, L. V. Laperashvili and H. B. Nielsen
Title: New indications of the existence of the 6 top-anti-top quark bound states in LHC experiments
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/12-019
Authors: Sanjib K. Agarwalla, Tracey Li, Olga Mena and Sergio Palomares-Ruiz
Title: Exploring the Earth matter effect with atmospheric neutrinos in ice
Preprint: CFTP/12-018
Authors: Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas, LuÃs Lavoura
Title: Flavour models for TM_1 lepton mixing
Preprint: CFTP/12-017
Authors: Nicolas Bernal, Celine Boehm, Sergio Palomares-Ruiz, Joseph Silk and Takashi Toma
Title: Observing Higgs boson production through its decay into gamma-rays: A messenger for Dark Matter candidates
Preprint: CFTP/12-016
Authors: F.X.Josse-Michaux, E. Molinaro
Title: Triplet Scalar Dark Matter and Leptogenesis in an Inverse See-Saw Model of Neutrino Mass Generation
Preprint: CFTP/12-015
Authors: D.L. Bennett, C.R. Das, L.V. Laperashvili, H.B. Nielsen
Title: The relation between the model of a crystal with defects and Plebanski's theory of gravity
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/12-014
Authors: Nicolàs Bernal, François-Xavier Josse-Michaux and Lorenzo Ubaldi
Title: WIMP dark matter and baryogenesis
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/12-013
Authors: C. Garcia Cely, A. Ibarra, E. Molinaro and S. T. Petcov
Title: Higgs Decays in the Low Scale Type I See-Saw Mechanism
Preprint: CFTP/12-012
Authors: Nicolas Bernal, Justo Martin-Albo and Sergio Palomares-Ruiz
Title: A novel way of constraining WIMPs annihilations in the Sun: MeV neutrinos
Preprint: CFTP/12-011
Authors: M. Hirsch, F. R. Joaquim, A. Vicente
Title: Constrained SUSY seesaws with a 125 GeV Higgs
Preprint: CFTP/12-010
Authors: J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra, F. R. Joaquim
Title: Measuring heavy neutrino couplings at the LHC
Preprint: CFTP/12-009
Authors: P.M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura, W. Grimus, P.O. Ludl
Title: Maximal CP violation in lepton mixing from a model with Delta(27) flavour symmetry
Preprint: CFTP/12-008
Authors: L. Lavoura, S. Morisi, J. W. F. Valle
Title: Accidental stability of dark matter
Preprint: CFTP/12-007
Authors: D. N. Dinh, A. Ibarra, E. Molinaro, S. T. Petcov
Title: The $\mu - e$ Conversion in Nuclei, $\mu \to e +\gamma$, $\mu \to 3e$ Decays and TeV Scale See-Saw Scenarios of Neutrino Mass Generation
Preprint: CFTP/12-006
Authors: Asmaa Abada, Antonio Figueiredo, Jorge Romao, Ana Teixeira et all
Title: Lepton flavour violation: physics potential of a Linear Collider
Preprint: CFTP/12-005
Authors: Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas, David Emmanuel-Costa and Philipp Leser
Title: Geometrical CP violation from non-renormalisable scalar potentials
Preprint: CFTP/12-004
Authors: Renato M. Fonseca, J. C. Romao and A. M. Teixeira
Title: Revisiting the $\Gamma\left(K\rightarrow e\nu\right)/\Gamma\left(K\rightarrow\mu\nu\right)$
ratio in supersymmetric unified models
Preprint: CFTP/12-003
Authors: P. M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura
Title: Texture-zero model for the lepton mass matrice
Preprint: CFTP/12-002
Authors: W. Grimus, L. Lavoura
Title: mu-tau interchange symmetry and lepton mixing
Preprint: CFTP/12-001
Authors: A. Meroni, E. Molinaro, S. T. Petcov
Title: Revisiting Leptogenesis
in the SUSY SU(5) x T' Model of Flavour
Preprint: CFTP/11-020
Authors: G. C. Branco, R. G. Felipe, F. R. Joaquim
Title: Leptonic CP violation
Preprint: CFTP/11-019
Authors: P. M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura
Title: Seesaw neutrino masses from an A_4 model with two equal VEVs
Preprint: CFTP/11-018
Authors: Chitta R. Das, Olga Mena, Sergio Palomares-Ruiz and Silvia Pascoli
Title: Determining the dark matter mass with DeepCore
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/11-017
Authors: L. Lavoura
Title: On a possible relationship between lepton mixing and the stability of dark matter
Preprint: CFTP/11-016
Authors: J. N. Esteves,J. C. Romão, M. Hirsch, W. Porod, F. Staub, and A. Vicente
Title: Dark matter and LHC phenomenology in a left-right
supersymmetric model
Preprint: CFTP/11-015
Authors: F.X. Josse-Michaux and E. Molinaro
Title: A Common Framework for Dark Matter, Leptogenesis and Neutrino Masses
Preprint: CFTP/11-014
Authors: Renato M. Fonseca, Michal Malinsky, Werner Porod, Florian Staub
Title: Running soft parameters in SUSY models with multiple U(1) gauge factors
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/11-013
Authors: C.R. Das, Joao Pulido
Title: Neutrino nonstandard interactions in the supernova
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/11-012
Authors: C.R. Das, L.V. Laperashvili, H.B. Nielsen, A. Tureanu
Title: E6 Unification and the Hidden Sector of the Universe
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/11-011
Authors: Renato M. Fonseca
Title: Calculating the renormalization group equations of a SUSY model with Susyno
Preprint: CFTP/11-010
Authors: Jorge C. Romão
Title: LHC and Lepton Flavour Violation Phenomenology in Seesaw Models
Preprint: CFTP/11-009
Authors: David Emmanuel-Costa, Edison T. Franco and Ricardo Gonzalez Felipe
Title: SU(5)xSU(5) unification revisited
Preprint: CFTP/11-008
Authors: A. Abada, A. J. R. Figueiredo, J. C. Romão and
A. M. Teixeira
Title: Probing the supersymmetric type III seesaw: LFV at low-energies and at the LHC
Preprint: CFTP/11-007
Authors: Nicolás Bernal and Sergio Palomares-Ruiz
Title: Constraining the Milky Way Dark Matter Density Profile with Gamma--Rays with Fermi-LAT
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/11-006
Authors: A.Ibarra, E.Molinaro and S.T.Petcov
Title: Low Energy Signatures of the TeV Scale See-Saw Mechanism
Preprint: CFTP/11-005
Authors: P.M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura, João P. Silva
Title: A soft origin for CKM-type CP violation
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/11-004
Authors: D. Emmanuel-Costa and Catarina Simões
Title: Nearest-Neighbour-Interactions from a Minimal Discrete flavour Symmetry
within SU(5) Grand Unification
Preprint: CFTP/11-003
Authors: I. de Medeiros Varzielas, R. González Felipe, H. Serôdio
Title: Leptonic mixing, family symmetries and neutrino phenomenology
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/11-002
Authors: A. Ibarra, E. Molinaro, S.T. Petcov
Title: Lepton Number Violation in TeV Scale See-Saw Extensions of the Standard Model
Preprint: CFTP/11-001
Authors: C. R. Das, L. V. Laperashvili, H. B. Nielsen, A. Tureanu
Title: Mirror World and Superstring-Inspired Hidden Sector of the Universe, Dark Matter and Dark Energy
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/10-019
Authors: Joao Pulido, C.R. Das
Title: NSI can improve LMA predictions: neutrino decay in solar matter?
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/10-018
Authors: Sergio Palomares-Ruiz and Jennifer M. Siegal-Gaskins
Title: Annihilation vs. Decay: Constraining Dark Matter Properties from a Gamma-Ray Detection in Dwarf Galaxies
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/10-016
Authors: Joao Pulido, C.R. Das
Title: Solar neutrinos with non-standard interactions
Preprint: CFTP/10-015
Authors: C.R. Das, L.V. Laperashvili and A. Tureanu
Title: Superstring-Inspired E_6 Unification, Shadow Theta-Particles and Cosmology
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/10-014
Authors: J. N. Esteves, J. C. Romao, M. Hirsch, A. Vicente, W. Porod and F. Staub
Title: Supersymmetric Left-Right Model: LHC phenomenology and lepton flavour violation
Preprint: CFTP/10-013
Authors: J. N. Esteves, J. C, Romao, M. Hirsch, F. Staub and W . Porod
Title: Supersymmetric type-III seesaw: LHC phenomenology, lepton flavour violating decays and dark matter
Preprint: CFTP/10-012
Authors: C.R. Das, L.V. Laperashvili, H.B. Nielsen, A. Tureanu
Title: Baryogenesis in Cosmological Model with Superstring-Inspired E_6 Unification
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/10-011
Authors: C.R. Das and Joao Pulido
Title: Improving LMA predictions with non-standard interactions: neutrino decay in solar matter?
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/10-010
Authors: A. Abada, A. J. Figueiredo, J. C. Romão and A. M. Teixeira
Title: Interplay of LFV and slepton mass splittings at the LHC as a probe of the SUSY Seesaw
Preprint: CFTP/10-009
Authors: Nicolas Bernal and Sergio Palomares-Ruiz
Title: Constraining Dark Matter Properties with Gamma-Rays from the Galactic Center with Fermi-LAT
Preprint: CFTP/10-008
Authors: J. C. Romão, J. N. Esteves, F. Joaquim, A. S. Joshipura, M. A. Tortola and J. W. F. Valle
Title: A4-based neutrino masses with decaying majoron as dark matter
Preprint: CFTP/10-007
Authors: Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas, David Emmanuel-Costa
Title: Simplest and consistent geometrical CP-Violation
Preprint: CFTP/10-006
Authors: Nicolás BERNAL
Preprint: CFTP/10-005
Authors: C.R. Das and Joao Pulido
Title: Improving LMA predictions with non standard interactions
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/10-004
Authors: Nicolás BERNAL, David LÓPEZ-VAL & Joan SOLÀ
Title: Quantum effects on Higgs-strahlung events at linear colliders within the general 2HDM
Preprint: CFTP/10-003
Authors: Sergio Palomares-Ruiz and Jennifer M. Siegal-Gaskins
Title: Annihilation vs. Decay: Constraining dark matter properties from a gamma-ray detection
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/10-002
Authors: G. C. Branco, D. Emmanuel-Costa, C. Simões
Title: Nearest-Neighbour Interaction from an Abelian Symmetry and
Deviations from Hermiticity
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/10-001
Authors: P.M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura, J.P. Silva
Title: Renormalization-group constraints on Yukawa alignment in multi-Higgs-doublet models
Preprint: CFTP/09-041
Authors: W. Grimus, L. Lavoura
Title: TeV-scale seesaw mechanism catalyzed by the electron mass
Preprint: CFTP/09-040
Authors: Nicolás Bernal, Andreas Goudelis
Title: Dark matter detection in the BMSSM
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-039
Authors: Graciela B. Gelmini, Efunwande Osoba and Sergio Palomares-Ruiz
Title: Inert-Sterile Neutrino: Cold or Warm Dark Matter Candidate
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-038
Authors: C.R. Das, L.V. Laperashvili, A. Tureanu
Title: Astrophysical Implications of the Superstring-Inspired E_6 Unification and Shadow Theta-Particles
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-037
Authors: Joao Pulido, C R Das, Marco Picariello
Title: Remaining inconsistencies with solar neutrinos: can spin flavour precession provide a clue?
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-036
Authors: C.R. Das, C.D. Froggatt, L.V. Laperashvili, H.B. Nielsen
Title: New Bound States of Top and Beauty Quarks at the Tevatron and LHC
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-035
Authors: M. Picariello, B.C. Chauhan, C.R. Das, Fernandez-Melgarejo, D. Montanino, J. Pulido, E. Torrente-Lujan
Title: Neutrino Dipole Moments and Solar Experiments
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-034
Authors: W. Grimus, L. Lavoura, A. Singraber
Title: Trimaximal lepton mixing with zero Dirac phase
Preprint: CFTP/09-033
Authors: M. Hirsch, T. Kernreiter, J. C. Romao and Albert Villanova del Moral
Title: Minimal Supersymmetric Inverse Seesaw: Neutrino masses, lepton flavour violation and LHC phenomenology
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-032
Authors: Ulrich Ellwanger, Cyril Hugonie and Ana M. Teixeira
Title: The Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Preprint: CFTP/09-031
Authors: R. Gonzalez Felipe and H. Serodio
Title: Constraints on leptogenesis from a symmetry viewpoint
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-030
Authors: D. Aristizabal Sierra, F. Bazzocchi, I. de Medeiros Varzielas, L. Merlo and S. Morisi
Title: Tri-Bimaximal Lepton Mixing and Leptogenesis
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-029
Authors: J. N. Esteves, M. Hirsch, S. Kaneko, W. Porod and J.C. Romao
Title: Dark matter in minimal supergravity with type-II seesaw
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-028
Authors: G.C. Branco and J.I. Silva-Marcos
Title: A Highly Predictive Ansatz for Leptonic Mixing and CP Violation
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-027
Authors: Luis A. Anchordoqui, Haim Goldberg, Russell D. Moore, Sergio Palomares-Ruiz, Diego F. Torres, Thomas J. Weiler
Title: Present and Future Gamma-Ray Probes of the Cygnus OB2 Environment
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-026
Authors: Pedro Bicudo, Joao Seixas and Marco Cardoso
Title: Bottomonium melting at temperature well above Tc
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-025
Authors: W. Grimus, P.O. Ludl, L. Lavoura
Title: Is S_4 the horizontal symmetry of tri-bimaximal lepton mixing?
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-024
Authors: Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada, Pedro Bicudo, Marco Cardoso, Tim Van Cauteren
Title: Excited baryons as experimental probes of the quark mass
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-023
Authors: P. Bicudo
Title: Gluon Excitations and Quark Chiral Symmetry in the Meson Spectrum: an Einbein Solution to the Large Degeneracy Problem of Light Mesons
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-022
Authors: O. Bertolami, N. M. C. Santos
Title: Big-bang nucleosynthesis constraints on unparticle long range forces.
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-021
Authors: A. Bartl, K. Hohenwarter-Sodek, T. Kernreiter, O. Kittel and M. Terwort
Title: CP-sensitive spin-spin correlations in neutralino
production at the ILC
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-020
Authors: A. Bartl, K. Hidaka, K. Hohenwarter-Sodek, T. Kernreiter, W. Majerotto, W. Porod
Title: Impact of squark generation mixing on the search for gluinos at LHC
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-019
Authors: C.R. Das, L.V. Laperashvili, A. Tureanu
Title: Cosmological Constant in a Model with Superstring-Inspired E_6 Unification and Shadow Theta-Particles
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-018
Authors: D. Emmanuel-Costa and C. Simões
Title: Reconstruction of quark mass matrices with weak basis texture zeroes from experimental input.
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-017
Authors: J. Bernabéu, C. Espinoza, C. Orme, S. Palomares-Ruiz and S. Pascoli
Title: A combined beta-beam and electron capture neutrino experiment
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-016
Authors: J.N. Esteves, J.C. Romao, A. Villanova del Moral, M. Hirsch, J.W.F. Valle and W. Porod
Title: Flavour Violation at the LHC: type-I versus type-II seesaw in the minimal supergravity
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-015
Authors: G. Ramalho, M.T. Pena, Franz Gross
Title: Electric quadrupole and magnetic octupole moments of the Delta.
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-014
Authors: A.Villanova del Moral
Title: Lepton flavour violating stau decays versus seesaw parameters: correlations and expected number of events for both seesaw type-I and II
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-013
Authors: P. Bicudo, M. Cardoso, T. Van Cauteren, Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada
Title: How to probe the infrared quark mass with parity quartets in the high baryon spectrum
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-012
Authors: Federica Bazzocchi, Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas
Title: Tri-bi-maximal mixing in viable family symmetry unified model with extended seesaw
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-011
Authors: W. Grimus, L. Lavoura, B. Radovcic
Title: Type II seesaw mechanism for Higgs doublets and the scale of new physics
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-010
Authors: S. Kaneko, J. Sato, T. Shimomura, O. Vives, M. Yamanaka
Title: Long-Lived Slepton in the Coannihilation Region and Measurement of Lepton Flavour Violation at LHC
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-009
Authors: D. Emmanuel-Costa, Edison T. Franco, R.Gonzalez Felipe
Title: Anomaly-free constraints in neutrino seesaw models
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-008
Authors: P.M. Ferreira, Howard E. Haber, Joao P. Silva
Title: Generalized CP symmetries and special regions of parameter space in the two-Higgs-doublet model
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-007
Authors: C.R. Das, Joao Pulido, Marco Picariello
Title: Light sterile neutrinos, spin flavour precession and the solar neutrino experiments
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-006
Authors: V. Sauli
Title: Infrared behaviour of propagator and quark confinement
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-005
Authors: Gustavo C. Branco and M.N. Rebelo
Title: Leptogenesis and Low-energy Observables
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-004
Authors: G. Ramalho and M.T Pena
Title: Valence quark contribution for the gamma N -> Delta quadrupole transition extracted from lattice QCD
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-003
Authors: Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas
Title: Quasi-degenerate neutrinos and tri-bi-maximal mixing
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-002
Authors: M.C. Bento and O. Bertolami
Title: Dark energy and the Rutherford-Soddy radiative decay law
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-001
Authors: Vladimir Sauli and Zoltan Batiz
Title: Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QED2+1
SPIRES Citations
Preprint: CFTP/09-00
Authors: Joao Pulido, C R Das, Marco Picariello
Title: Remaining inconsistencies with solar neutrinos: can spin flavour precession provide a clue?
SPIRES Citations