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Address: LIP Lisboa Departamento de Fisica gernot.eichmann (at) tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Research interests
My research interests involve non-perturbative QCD, Dyson-Schwinger equations, and the application of bound-state equations (Bethe-Salpeter and Faddeev equations) to hadron properties with emphasis on baryons, tetraquarks and multiquark systems.
Biographical sketch
- 2017 - present: FCT Investigator, LIP & IST Lisbon
- 2013 - 2017: PostDoc, University of Giessen
- 2010-2013: FWF Erwin-Schrödinger Fellow, Universities of Giessen and Graz
- 2009-2010: PostDoc, Technical University of Darmstadt
- 2009: Ph.D., University of Graz, Austria
- 2007-2008: Visiting graduate student, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, USA
- 2006-2009: Ph.D. student in the FWF Doctoral Program "Hadrons in Vacuum, Nuclei and Stars", University of Graz, Austria
Quick links
- Luis Raúl Torres Rojas (PhD)
- André Torcato (master)
- Eduardo Ferreira (master, graduated 2021)
- Madalena Lourenço (master, graduated 2021)
- Heitor Österdahl (undergraduate)
publication list is also available from INSPIRE.
- Theory introduction to baryon spectroscopy
Gernot Eichmann
e-Print: 2202.13378 [hep-ph].
- Going to the light front with contour deformations
Gernot Eichmann, Eduardo Ferreira, Alfred Stadler
Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022) 3, 034009
e-Print: 2112.04858 [hep-ph].
- On mass generation in Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theory
Gernot Eichmann, Jan M. Pawlowski, João M. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021) 11, 114016
e-Print: 2107.05352 [hep-ph].
- Four-quark states from functional methods
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Walter Heupel, Nico Santowsky, Paul C. Wallbott, Few Body Syst. 61 (2020) 4, 38
e-Print: 2008.10240 [hep-ph].
- Diquark Correlations in Hadron Physics: Origin, Impact and Evidence
M. Yu. Barabanov, M. A. Bedolla, W. K. Brooks, G. D. Cates, C. Chen et al.
Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 116 (2021) 103835
e-Print: 2008.07630 [hep-ph].
- The σ-meson: four-quark vs. two-quark components and decay width in a Bethe-Salpeter approach
Nico Santowsky, Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Paul C. Wallbott, Richard Williams, Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 5, 056014
e-Print: 2007.06495 [hep-ph].
- The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model
T. Aoyama, N. Asmussen, M. Benayoun, J. Bijnens, T. Blum et al.
Phys. Rept. 887 (2020) 1-166
e-Print: 2006.04822 [hep-ph].
- Disentangling different structures in heavy-light four-quark states
Paul C. Wallbott, Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer
Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D Rapid Comm.
Phys. Rev.D 102 (2020) 5, 051501
e-Print: 2003.12407 [hep-ph].
- Kaon-box contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Richard Williams
Phys.Rev. D101 (2020) no.5, 054015
e-Print: 1910.06795 [hep-ph].
- Scattering amplitudes and contour deformations
Gernot Eichmann, Pedro Duarte, M. T. Peña, Alfred Stadler
Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.9, 094001
e-Print: 1907.05402 [hep-ph].
- X(3872) as a four-quark state in a Dyson-Schwinger/
Bethe-Salpeter approach
Paul C. Wallbott, Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer
Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.1, 014033
e-Print: 1905.02615 [hep-ph].
- Single pseudoscalar meson pole and pion box contributions
to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Esther Weil, Richard Williams
Phys.Lett. B797 (2019) 134855
e-Print: 1903.10844 [hep-ph].
Baryon Structure and reactions from Dyson-Schwinger equations
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer
Few Body Syst. 60 (2019) no.1, 2.
Nucleon resonances in Compton scattering
Gernot Eichmann, Gilberto Ramalho
Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.9, 093007
e-Print: 1806.04579 [hep-ph].
Electromagnetic decays of the neutral pion
Esther Weil, Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Richard Williams
Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.1, 014021
e-Print: 1704.06046 [hep-ph].
- On the large-Q2 behavior of the pion transition form factor
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Esther Weil, Richard Williams
Phys.Lett. B774 (2017) 425-429
e-Print: 1704.05774 [hep-ph].
- More about the light baryon spectrum
Gernot Eichmann
Few Body Syst. 58 (2017) no. 2, 81
e-Print: 1611.10118 [hep-ph].
- On light baryons and their excitations
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Helios Sanchis-Alepuz
Phys. Rev. D94 (2016) 9, 094033
e-Print: 1607.05748 [hep-ph].
- Baryons as relativistic three-quark bound states
Gernot Eichmann, Helios Sanchis-Alepuz, Richard Williams, Reinhard Alkofer,
Christian S. Fischer. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 91 (2016) 1-100
e-Print: 1606.09602 [hep-ph].
- Progress in the calculation of nucleon transition form factors
Gernot Eichmann
Few Body Syst. 57 (2016) no. 10, 965-973
e-Print: 1602.03462 [hep-ph].
- Towards a microscopic understanding of nucleon polarizabilities
Gernot Eichmann
Few Body Syst. 57 (2016) no. 7, 541-547
e-Print: 1601.04154 [hep-ph].
- Baryon effects on the location of QCD's critical end point
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Christian A. Welzbacher
Phys. Rev. D93 (2016) 3, 034013
e-Print: 1509.02082 [hep-ph].
- The light scalar mesons as tetraquarks
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Walter Heupel
Phys. Lett. B753 (2016) 282-287
e-Print: 1508.07178 [hep-ph].
- Four-point functions and the permutation group S4
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Walter Heupel
Phys. Rev. D92 (2015) 5, 056005
e-Print: 1505.06336 [hep-ph].
- Electromagnetic baryon form factors in the Poincaré-covariant Faddeev approach
Reinhard Alkofer, Gernot Eichmann, Helios Sanchis-Alepuz, Richard Williams
Hyperfine Interact. 234 (2015) 1-3, 149-154
e-Print: 1412.8413 [hep-ph].
- The three-gluon vertex in Landau gauge
Gernot Eichmann, Richard Williams, Reinhard Alkofer, Milan Vujinovic
Phys. Rev. D89, 105014 (2014)
e-Print: 1402.1365 [hep-ph].
- Nucleon Compton scattering in the Dyson-Schwinger approach
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer
Phys. Rev. D87, 036006 (2013)
e-Print: 1212.1761 [hep-ph].
- Tetraquark bound states in a Bethe-Salpeter approach
Walter Heupel, Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer
Phys.Lett. B718, 545 (2012)
e-Print: 1206.5129 [hep-ph].
- Nucleon to Delta electromagnetic transition in the
Dyson-Schwinger approach
Gernot Eichmann, Diana Nicmorus
Phys. Rev. D85, 093004 (2012)
e-Print: 1112.2232 [hep-ph].
- Nucleon axial and pseudoscalar form factors
from the covariant Faddeev equation
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer
Eur. Phys. J. A 48 (2011) 9
e-Print: 1111.2614 [hep-ph].
- Unified description of hadron-photon and hadron-meson
in the Dyson-Schwinger approach
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer
Phys. Rev. D85, 034015 (2012)
e-Print: 1111.0197 [hep-ph].
- Delta and Omega masses in a three-quark covariant
Faddeev approach
Helios Sanchis-Alepuz, Gernot Eichmann, Selym Villalba-Chavez, Reinhard Alkofer
Phys. Rev. D84, 096003 (2011)
e-Print: 1109.0199 [hep-ph].
- Hadronic decays of mesons and baryons in the
Dyson-Schwinger approach
Valentin Mader, Gernot Eichmann, Martina Blank, Andreas Krassnigg
Phys. Rev. D84, 034012 (2011)
e-Print: 1106.3159 [hep-ph].
- Nucleon electromagnetic form factors from the covariant
Faddeev equation
Gernot Eichmann
Phys. Rev. D84, 014014 (2011)
e-Print: 1104.4505 [hep-ph].
- Delta and Omega electromagnetic form factors in a
Dyson-Schwinger/Bethe-Salpeter approach
Diana Nicmorus, Gernot Eichmann, Reinhard Alkofer
Phys.Rev. D82, 114017 (2010)
e-Print: 1008.3184 [hep-ph].
- Delta properties in the rainbow-ladder truncation
of Dyson-Schwinger equations
D. Nicmorus, G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, R. Alkofer.
Few Body Syst. 49, 255-261 (2011)
e-Print: 1008.4149 [hep-ph].
- Nucleon mass from a covariant three-quark Faddeev
Gernot Eichmann, Reinhard Alkofer, Andreas Krassnigg, Diana Nicmorus
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 201601 (2010)
e-Print: 0912.2246 [hep-ph].
- Delta-baryon mass in a covariant Faddeev approach
D. Nicmorus, G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, R. Alkofer.
Phys. Rev. D80, 054028 (2009)
e-Print: 0812.1665 [hep-ph].
- Survey of nucleon electromagnetic form factors
I.C. Cloet, G. Eichmann, B. El-Bennich, T. Klahn, C.D. Roberts.
Few Body Syst. 46, 1-36 (2009)
e-Print: 0812.0416 [nucl-th].
- Toward unifying the description of meson and baryon
G. Eichmann, I.C. Cloet, R. Alkofer, A. Krassnigg, C.D. Roberts.
Phys. Rev. C79, 012202(R) (2009)
e-Print: 0810.1222 [nucl-th].
- Current quark mass dependence of nucleon magnetic
moments and radii
I.C. Cloet, G. Eichmann, V.V. Flambaum, C.D. Roberts, M.S. Bhagwat, A. Holl.
Few Body Syst. 42, 91-113 (2008)
e-Print: 0804.3118 [nucl-th].
- Perspective on rainbow-ladder truncation
G. Eichmann, R. Alkofer, I. C. Cloet, A. Krassnigg, C. D. Roberts.
Phys. Rev. C77, 042202(R) (2008)
e-Print: 0802.1948 [nucl-th].
- A covariant view on the nucleons' quark core
G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, M. Schwinzerl and R. Alkofer.
Annals Phys. 323, 2505-2553 (2008)
e-Print: 0712.2666 [hep-ph].
Conference proceedings:
- Studying mass generation for gluons
Gernot Eichmann, Jan M. Pawlowski
e-Print: 2112.08058 [hep-ph].
Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure in the Dyson-Schwinger Approach
Gernot Eichmann
Springer Proc. Phys. 238 (2020) 783-792.
Towards Heavy-Light Axialvector Tetraquarks in a
Dyson-Schwinger/Bethe--Salpeter Approach
Paul C. Wallbott, Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer
Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 13 (2020) 139.
- Towards resonance properties in the Dyson-Schwinger approach
Gernot Eichmann
PoS LC2019 (2019) 003.
e-Print: 1912.08873 [hep-ph].
Towards lattice-assisted hadron physics calculations based on
QCD n-point functions
André Sternbeck, Milena Leutnant, Gernot Eichmann
PoS LATTICE2018 (2019) 068.
e-Print: 1904.10705 [hep-lat].
Light tetraquarks in a Dyson-Schwinger/Bethe-Salpeter approach
Paul C. Wallbott, Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1024 (2018) 1, 012035.
Overview of multiquark states
Christian S. Fischer, Gernot Eichmann
PoS Hadron2017 (2018) 007.
Electromagnetic decays of the neutral pion investigated in the Dyson-Schwinger formalism
Esther Weil, Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Richard Williams
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1024 (2018) 1, 012035.
e-Print: 1710.08169 [hep-ph].
- Tetraquarks from the Bethe-Salpeter equation
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Walter Heupel
Acta Phys.Polon.Supp. 8 (2015) 425
e-Print: 1507.05022 [hep-ph].
- Hadron properties from the Dyson-Schwinger approach
Gernot Eichmann
MesonNet 2014 International Workshop. Mini-proceedings
e-Print: 1412.5451 [nucl-ex].
- The muon g-2: Dyson-Schwinger status on hadronic light-by-light scattering
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Walter Heupel, Richard Williams
Proceedings of Confinement XI
AIP Conf. Proc. 1701, 040004 (2016).
e-Print: 1411.7876 [hep-ph].
- Non-perturbative features of the three-gluon vertex in Landau gauge
Milan Vujinovic, Reinhard Alkofer, Gernot Eichmann, Richard Williams
Proceedings of Excited QCD 2014
Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 7 (2014) 3, 607.
e-Print: 1404.4474 [hep-ph].
- Probing nucleons with photons at the quark level
Gernot Eichmann
Proceedings of Excited QCD 2014
Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 7 (2014) 3, 597.
e-Print: 1404.4149 [hep-ph].
- On propagators and three-point functions in Landau gauge QCD
and QCD-like theories
Reinhard Alkofer, Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer, Markus Hopfer,
Milan Vujinovic, Richard Williams, Andreas Windisch
PoS QCD-TNT-III (2013) 003
e-Print: 1405.7310 [hep-ph].
- The role of pions as virtual constituents of light bound states
Walter Heupel, Stanislav Kubrak, Gernot Eichmann, Christian Fischer
PoS Bormio2013 (2013) 065
e-Print: 1305.0650 [hep-ph].
- Hadron phenomenology in the Dyson-Schwinger approach
Gernot Eichmann
Proceedings of FAIRNESS 2012
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 426 (2013) 012014.
- Nucleon Compton scattering from the Dyson-Schwinger perspective
Gernot Eichmann, Christian S. Fischer
PoS ConfinementX (2012) 090
e-Print: 1301.1194 [hep-ph].
- From quarks and gluons to baryon form factors
Gernot Eichmann
Erice Proceedings, 33rd International Workshop on Nuclear Physics
Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 67 (2012) 234.
- Baryon form factors from Dyson-Schwinger equations
Gernot Eichmann
PoS QCD-TNT-II (2011) 017
e-Print: 1112.4888 [hep-ph].
- Model comparison of Delta and Omega masses
in a covariant Faddeev approach
H. Sanchis-Alepuz, R. Alkofer, G. Eichmann, R. Williams.
PoS QCD-TNT-II (2011) 041
e-Print: 1112.3214 [hep-ph].
- On baryon properties from a covariant Faddeev approach
H. Sanchis-Alepuz, R. Alkofer, G. Eichmann, S. Villalba-Chavez.
PoS LC 2010 018 (2010)
e-Print: 1010.6183 [hep-ph].
- Baryons in and beyond the quark-diquark model
G. Eichmann, R. Alkofer, C. S. Fischer, A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus.
AIP Conf. Proc. 1374 (2011) 617-620
e-Print: 1010.0206 [hep-ph].
- Hadron properties from QCD bound-state equations: A
status report
R. Alkofer, G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus.
Chin. Phys. C34, 1175-1180 (2010)
e-Print: 0912.3105 [hep-ph].
- Covariant solution of the three-quark problem in quantum
field theory:
the nucleon
G. Eichmann, R. Alkofer, A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus
EPJ Web Conf. 3:03028 (2010)
e-Print: 0912.2876 [hep-ph].
- Meson and nucleon properties from Dyson-Schwinger QCD
G. Eichmann, R. Alkofer, A. Krassnigg, D. Nicmorus.
PoS CONFINEMENT8 077 (2008)
e-Print: 0812.3183 [hep-ph].
- Faddeev equations: A view of baryon properties
D. Nicmorus, G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, R. Alkofer.
PoS CONFINEMENT8 052 (2008)
e-Print: 0812.2966 [hep-ph].
- The nucleon as a QCD bound state in a Faddeev approach
G. Eichmann, A. Krassnigg, M. Schwinzerl and R. Alkofer.
Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 61:84-85 (2008)
- Winter term 2021/22: Lecture 'QCD and Hadron Physics',
Tecnico Lisboa - Winter term 2020/21: Lecture 'Hadron Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics',
Tecnico Lisboa - Winter term 2019/20: Lecture 'Hadron Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics',
Tecnico Lisboa - Winter term 2018/19: Lecture 'Hadron Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics',
Tecnico Lisboa - Winter term 2017/18: Lecture 'Hadron Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics',
Tecnico Lisboa - Winter term 2016/17: Übungen
zur Höheren Quantenmechanik,
University of Giessen - Summer term 2015:
Lecture 'Quantum Field Theory',
University of Giessen - Winter term 2014/15:
Lecture 'Introduction to hadron physics',
University of Giessen - Winter term 2013/14: Übungen zur Elektrodynamik, University of Giessen
- Summer term 2013: Lecture 'Hadron physics', University of Graz
- Summer term 2012: Übungen zur Quantenfeldtheorie, University of Giessen
- Winter term 2011/12: Übungen
zur Statistischen Thermodynamik,
University of Giessen - Summer term 2011: Übungen zur Quantenfeldtheorie, University of Giessen
- Winter term 2009/10: Übungen zu Theoretische Physik III: Klassische Teilchen und Felder II, Technical University of Darmstadt
- Winter term
2008/09: Übungen zu
Mathematische Methoden 5,
University of Graz
- March 30, 2022
"From quarks and gluons to exotic hadrons",
Colloquium, IST Lisboa, Portugal - March 23, 2022
"From quarks and gluons to hadrons and nuclei",
Seminar, University of Graz, Austria - Dec 1, 2021
"Going to the light front with contour deformations",
Light Cone 2021, South Korea (virtual) - Nov 11, 2021
"Studying mass generation in Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theory",
XXXIII International Workshop on High-Energy Physics,
Logunov Institute for High Energy Physics, Russia (virtual) - Nov 4, 2021
"Kaon contribution to muon g-2",
EINN 2021, Cyprus (virtual) - Oct 19, 2021
"Theory overview on baryon spectroscopy",
The 2021 School on the Physics of Baryons, Sevilla (virtual) - July 30, 2021
"Resonance studies in the Bethe-Salpeter framework",
Hadron 2021, Mexico City (virtual) - July 15, 2021
"From nuclei to quarks and gluons",
6th Lisbon Mini-School on Particle and Astroparticle Physics (virtual) - July 8, 2021
"QCD contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment",
Teilchentee, University of Heidelberg, Germany (virtual) - April 22, 2021
"Exotic mesons with functional methods",
Workshop Mass in the Standard Model and Consequences of its Emergence,
ECT*, Trento, Italy (virtual) - March 29, 2021
"Studying mass generation in Yang-Mills theory",
Workshop FunQCD: From first principles to effective theories,
Valencia, Spain (virtual) - Sep 30, 2020
"Phenomenology of light exotic hadrons with functional methods",
Snowmass 2020 RF7 Meeting, USA (virtual) - Aug 20, 2020
"From quarks and gluons to hadrons and nuclei",
Physics Division Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, USA (virtual) - June 4, 2020
"From quarks and gluons to hadrons and multiquarks",
LIP Seminar, LIP Lisboa, Portugal - Sep 24, 2019
"Scattering amplitudes and contour deformations",
Workshop Diquark correlations in hadron physics,
ECT*, Trento, Italy - Sep 20, 2019
"Hadron spectrum and Dyson-Schwinger equations",
Plenary talk at Light Cone 2019: From hadrons to heavy ions,
École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France - Sep 12, 2019
"Analytic structure of scattering amplitudes",
Workshop Non-perturbative QFT in Euclidean and Minkowski,
Coimbra, Portugal - July 22, 2019
"Scattering amplitudes and contour deformations",
Theory seminar, University of Graz, Austria - July 18, 2019
"Scattering amplitudes and contour deformations",
Workshop Electroweak processes of hadrons,
Bled, Slovenia - June 12, 2019
"Nucleon resonances in Compton scattering",
NSTAR 2019,
Bonn, Germany - April 10, 2019
"Analytic structure of scattering amplitudes",
Workshop Bound states in QCD and beyond III,
St. Goar, Germany - Feb 11, 2019
"From quarks and gluons to hadrons",
4th Lisbon Mini-School on Particle and Astroparticle Physics,
Costa da Caparica, Portugal - Oct 24, 2018
"Towards electromagnetic properties of strange baryons",
EMMI Workshop Electromagnetic structure of strange baryons,
FAIR/GSI, Darmstadt, Germany - Sep 18, 2018
"Nucleon resonances in Compton scattering",
Workshop Emergent mass and its consequences in the Standard Model,
ECT*, Trento, Italy - July 10, 2018
"Hadron spectroscopy and structure in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
Plenary talk at the XXII International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics,
Caen, France - May 18, 2018
"Baryon spectroscopy and structure with functional methods",
Plenary talk at Light Cone 2018,
Jefferson Lab, VA, USA - April 30, 2018
"Baryon spectroscopy and structure with Dyson-Schwinger equations",
Workshop Many manifestations of nonperturbative QCD,
Camburi, Sao Paulo, Brazil - April 19, 2018
"From baryons to multiquark systems",
Theory seminar, University of Heidelberg, Germany - April 3, 2018
"Baryon spectroscopy and structure in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
WE Heraeus seminar From correlation functions to QCD phenomenology,
Bad Honnef, Germany - March 12, 2018
"Baryons in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
Workshop Bound states in strongly coupled systems,
Florence, Italy - Feb 26, 2018
"From baryons to multiquark systems",
DK Workshop "Hadrons in Vacuum, Nuclei and Stars",
Graz, Austria - Feb 7, 2018
"Baryon spectroscopy in the DSE/BSE approach",
INT Workshop Multi-Hadron Systems from Lattice QCD,
Seattle, WA, USA - November 9, 2017
"Exotica structure in a Bethe-Salpeter approach",
EMMI Workshop Anti-matter, hyper-matter and exotica production at the LHC,
Torino, Italy - September 27, 2017
"Shining light on hadrons",
Physics Colloquium, IST Lisboa, Portugal - August 30, 2017
"Baryon spectrum and structure, nucleon Compton scattering",
INT Workshop Tomography of Hadrons and Nuclei at Jefferson Lab,
Seattle, WA, USA - August 24, 2017
"Baryon spectrum and interactions with functional methods",
Theory Seminar, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA - August 21, 2017
"Baryon structure and reactions from Dyson-Schwinger equations",
Plenary talk at NSTAR 2017, Columbia, SC, USA - August 17, 2017
"Baryon spectrum and interactions with functional methods",
Theory Seminar, Washington University, St. Louis, USA - June 22, 2017
"QCD bound states with functional methods",
Theory seminar, CFTP, IST Lisboa, Portugal - May 30, 2017
"Microscopic approach to meson electroproduction",
Nucleon and Resonance Structure with Hard Exclusive Processes, Orsay, France - May 18, 2017
"Baryons as relativistic three-quark bound states",
Theory seminar, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany - May 16, 2017
"QCD's correlation functions and their relevance for hadron physics",
GRK seminar, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany - May 8, 2017
"The structure of light baryons and tetraquarks",
Excited QCD 2017, Sintra, Portugal - March 31, 2017
"Baryons as quark bound states",
Plenary talk at the 81th Annual DPG Meeting, Münster, Germany - Feb 22, 2017
"Excited baryons / Pion transition form factor",
Bound states in QCD and beyond II, St. Goar, Germany - November 15, 2016
"Progress in continuum calculations of nucleon transition form factors",
Spectrum and structure of excited nucleons from exclusive electroproduction, Seattle, Washington, USA - October 20, 2016
"From QCD's n-point functions to nucleon resonances",
Nonperturbative QCD 2016, Sevilla, Spain - September 29, 2016
" Dyson-Schwinger approach to the muon g-2
and the structure of the LbL amplitude",
Hadronic Contributions to New Physics Searches (HC2NP), Tenerife, Spain - September 6, 2016
"Dyson-Schwinger calculations for hadron spectroscopy and structure",
Light Cone 2016, Lisbon, Portugal - August 29, 2016
"From QCD's n-point functions to nucleon resonances",
XIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Thessaloniki, Greece - August 8, 2016
"Baryon spectroscopy in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
Gordon Research Conference on Photonuclear Reactions,
Holderness, New Hampshire, USA - April 20, 2016
"Compton scattering and Dyson-Schwinger equations",
Probing transverse nucleon structure at high momentum transfer,
ECT*, Trento, Italy - March 14, 2016
"Hadron phenomenology with Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations", DPG Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany - March 3, 2016
"From quarks and gluons to the structure of hadrons",
Colloquium, College of William & Mary, Virginia, USA - March 2, 2016
"From quarks and gluons to the structure of hadrons",
Seminar, Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA - January 22, 2016
"Form factors and scattering amplitudes in Euclidean space",
Mini-Workshop on Connecting Formulations in Euclidean and Minkowski Space,
IST, Lisbon, Portugal - October 22, 2015
"The light scalar mesons as tetraquarks",
HIC for FAIR PAC Meeting, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany - October 14, 2015
"Nucleon transition form factors in the DSE/Faddeev framework",
Nucleon resonances: from photoproduction to high photon virtualities,
ECT*, Trento, Italy - September 23, 2015
"Nucleon electromagnetic properties in the covariant Faddeev approach",
Light Cone 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy - September 20, 2015
"Nucleon structure properties with quarks and gluons",
37th International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, Sicily, Italy - July 21, 2015
"Tetraquarks in a Bethe-Salpeter approach",
EMMI Workshop: Anti-Matter, hyper-matter and exotica production at the LHC,
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland - June 11, 2015
"The light scalar mesons as tetraquarks",
Nuclear Physics Colloquium, Frankfurt, Germany - May 22, 2015
"Tetraquarks from the four-body Bethe-Salpeter equation",
21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Chicago, USA - March 27, 2015
"Tetraquarks from the Bethe-Salpeter equation",
Bound states in QCD and beyond, St. Goar, Germany - March 11, 2015
"Tetraquarks from the Bethe-Salpeter equation",
Excited QCD 2015, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia - October 2, 2014
"Nucleon Compton scattering and the muon g-2",
NPQCD 2014, Punta Umbria, Huelva, Spain - September 30, 2014
"Hadron physics in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
MesonNet Meeting, INFN, Frascati, Italy - September 9, 2014
"The muon g-2: DSE status on light-by-light",
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI, St. Petersburg, Russia - September 6, 2014
"The muon g-2 in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
Caucasian Mathematics Conference, Tbilisi, Georgia - August 30-31, 2014
"Introduction to Feynman diagrams",
Hadron Physics Summer PreSchool, Schloss Rauischholzhausen, Germany - May 9, 2014
"Towards higher n-point functions: the three-gluon vertex
and light-by-light scattering",
Many manifestations of nonperturbative QCD, Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil - February 7, 2014
"Probing nucleons with photons at the quark level",
Excited QCD 2014, Sarajevo, Bosnia - January 17, 2014
"Nucleon polarizabilities in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
Workshop on Hadrons from Quarks and Gluons, Hirschegg, Austria - December 19, 2013
"From quarks and gluons to baryon properties",
Seminar, University of Jena, Germany - October 25, 2013
"Nucleon polarizabilities in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
Workshop and School on the Bound-State Problem in Continuum QCD,
Hefei, China - October 12, 2013
"Hadron physics in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force, GSI, Germany - September 5, 2013
"Nucleon Compton Scattering in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
QCD-TNT-III: From quarks and gluons to hadronic matter: A bridge too far?
Trento, Italy - August 1, 2013
"Nucleon Compton Scattering from the Dyson-Schwinger perspective",
Workshop on Compton Scattering off Protons and Light Nuclei, Trento, Italy - June 5, 2013
"From quarks and gluons to nucleon Compton scattering",
Seminar, University of Graz, Austria - May 28, 2013
"Hadron physics in the Dyson-Schwinger approach",
Technical University of Vienna, Austria - May 23, 2013
"Nucleon Compton scattering at the quark-gluon level",
I3HP Workshop, Graz, Austria - March 25-28, 2013
"Hadron physics and Dyson-Schwinger equations",
Lecture series given at the 5th International Meeting on
Particles and Fields, Lahore, Pakistan - Oct 8, 2012
"Nucleon Compton scattering in the Dyson-Schwinger approach"
Xth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Munich, Germany - Oct 4, 2012
"Nucleon Compton scattering in the Faddeev approach"
Workshop on Nonperturbative QCD (QCDNP 2012), Matalascanas, Huelva, Spain - Sept 20, 2012
"Nucleon Compton scattering in the Dyson-Schwinger approach"
62nd OEPG meeting, Graz, Austria - Sept 5, 2012
"Hadron phenomenology in the Dyson-Schwinger approach"
FAIRNESS, Hersonissos, Greece - May 2, 2012
"Baryon properties from Dyson-Schwinger equations"
Many manifestations of nonperturbative QCD, Caraguatatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil - Mar 13, 2012
"Hadron properties from Dyson-Schwinger equations"
Workshop on Confinement Physics, Jefferson Lab, USA - Feb 26, 2012
"Hadron physics from the Dyson-Schwinger approach"
50. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, Schladming, Austria - Dec 14, 2011
"PANDA physics from the Dyson-Schwinger approach"
PANDA Collaboration Meeting, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany - Oct 11, 2011
"Baryon properties and reactions for PANDA"
HIC for FAIR - PAC Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany - Sept 20, 2011
"From quarks and gluons to baryon form factors"
International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, Italy - Sept 8, 2011
"Baryon form factors from Dyson-Schwinger equations"
QCD-TNT-II, Trento, Italy - May 4, 2011
"Nucleon electromagnetic form factors from the covariant Faddeev equation"
Austria-Croatia-Hungary Triangle Workshop Strong Interactions in Quantum Field Theory, Fürstenfeld, Austria - March 3, 2011
"Hadron phenomenology from the bound-state approach"
49. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, Schladming, Austria - Nov. 10, 2010
"Baryons from the Faddeev equation"
Workshop on AdS/CFT and Novel Approaches to Hadron and Heavy Ion Physics,
KITPC, Beijing, China - Nov. 5, 2010
"Hadron properties from QCD bound-state equations"
Seminar, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Giessen, Germany - Sept 2, 2010
"The nucleon from a Poincaré-covariant Faddeev equation"
Confinement 9 (Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum), Madrid, Spain - June 19, 2010
"Baryon properties from a covariant Faddeev equation"
Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, USA - June 2, 2010
"Baryons beyond the quark-diquark model"
MENU 2010, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA - March 18, 2010
"Die Masse des Nukleons aus einer kovarianten Faddeevgleichung"
74. Jahrestagung der DPG, Bonn, Germany - March 3, 2010
"Nucleon properties from a covariant three-quark Faddeev equation"
48. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, Schladming, Austria - Nov. 17, 2009
"Hadron properties from QCD bound-state equations"
Seminar, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Darmstadt, Germany - Sept. 4, 2009
"Solving the three-quark equation for the nucleon"
FB 19 (Few-Body Problems in Physics), Bonn, Germany - April 16, 2009
"The nucleon beyond the quark-diquark model"
Workshop on Strong Interactions in Quantum Field Theory, Fürstenfeld, Austria - Sept. 3, 2008
"Meson and nucleon properties from DS-QCD"
Confinement 8 (Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum), Mainz, Germany - May 20, 2008
"The quark core of mesons and nucleons from DS-QCD"
Workshop on Hadron Electromagnetic Form Factors, Trento, Italy - April 4, 2008
"QCD Modeling of Nucleons and Mesons"
Seminar, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA - Sept 24, 2007
"The nucleon as a QCD bound state in a Faddeev approach"
FAKT 07, Langenlois, Austria - Sept 19, 2007
"The nucleon as a QCD bound state in a Faddeev approach"
Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice, Italy - March 14, 2007
"Studying the nucleon in a Dyson-Schwinger approach"
Confinement: connecting the light- and heavy-quark domains, Trento, Italy - Sept. 18, 2006
"The nucleon in a covariant Faddeev framework"
FAKT 06, Maria Lankowitz, Austria - Sept. 12, 2006
"Towards a realistic description of the nucleon"
"QCD: Facts and Prospects", Oberwölz, Austria - May 24, 2006
"The nucleon quark core in a covariant Faddeev approach"
Seminar, Peking University, Beijing, China - March 16, 2006
"The nucleon quark core in a covariant Faddeev approach"
44. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, Schladming, Austria - March 9, 2006
"Form factors of a relativistic three-quark state"
Seminar, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany
- LIP, Lisbon
- Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
- Nonperturbative Phenomena in QCD, JLU Giessen
- Institute
of Nuclear Physics, TU Darmstadt
- Institute of Physics, University of Graz
- Argonne Physics Division, Argonne